Thursday, October 30, 2008

Student and Teacher

When one is ready to learn,
There will be many ready to teach.

Today is 30 Oct 2008.
Time is 12:40hrs

I'd never forget the Halloween Party of 1997.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


I spy with my ultrascan eye,
Add one more to my progeny,
After 9 moons are high.

Will it be X,
Or will it be Y?
Either will be a pleasant surprise.

Do you know Isabel?
Her next sibling will be
Natalie or Nathaniel.

Ask me how soon,
I'd say,
In June.

Today is 28 Oct 2008
Time is 21:25hrs

Words alone cannot describe my emotions at this moment.

Slice of Enlightenment

Imbeciles are bred, not borned.

Today is 28th Oct 2008
Time is 0910hrs

Admit It

You can't tickle the Devil's balls and tell him that you are not f**king around..


Friday, October 17, 2008

All I Need is a Winning Streak of 5 times in a Row..

Start off with 5 dollar bet on single number on the roulette wheel.

$5 wins $(5 x 35) = $175.00

Place $175 on the next number, winning will mean

$(175 x 35) = $6,125

Repeating the process for total of 5 times starting from $5 bet.

Roll 3 wins $(6,125 x 35) = $214,375

Roll 4 wins $(214,375 x 35) = $7,503,125 [ This my friend is already 7 million dollars ]

Roll 5 wins $(7,503,125 x 35) = $262,609,375 [ 262 million dollars ]

5 Times lucky wins this much from $5 initial wager.

Practice with a dice of 6 possibilities..
Guess it correctly for 5 times.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Gone GAGA!!

For my wife

Thursday, October 09, 2008


Thank you for taking the chance on me.
No one knew how far I'd gone or how good I'm going to be.
But yet, you took the chance.

Our time together is like a rollercoaster.
Sometimes high, sometimes low.
Sometimes just screaming our heads off.
But at most times, just happy to have someone beside throughout the ride.

It's been a good 7 year "front-seat" ride of our rollercoaster.

More to come..
Happy 7th Anniversary to both me and my wife.

Chronological Calendar of Events of our Rollercoaster
06-Oct 2001 ROM
13-Dec 2003 Traditional Nuptial Ceremony
15-Dec 2003 Wedding Banquet
17-Dec 2004 Birth of Isabel Neo

Today is 9 Oct 2008
Time is 09:48 hrs

Inspired by Ronan Keating, ABBA, Christine, Isabel, Franklin