A year back,
A good friend, named William, (his surname is suppressed to protect his identity), told me that with all the nonsensical facts that I have, I should actually write a book and publish it.
Facts such as
1) If we envision a line to be made up of an infinite amount of dots, and drawing a line means joining all the dots together, how come we don't take infinite amount of time drawing the line?
More to mention when I do publish the book.
The title of the book, as suggested by William shall be
"F****rd's Full Of Crap"
In short, FOC.
This blog will track my daily input of crap so one day, when it gets thick enough, I might just publish it.
And I will ask Mr William to write the Foreword page.
Today is 2nd August 2005
Time is 10.13pm
We are all destined to Eternity on this rock.
Why not make it a happier rock?